Chief Marketer is an information hub connecting a global portfolio of more than a dozen marketing-focused brands including Event Marketer, AdExchanger, AdMonsters, Esports Business, Cynopsis, Multichannel Merchant, PR News and more—an aggregate audience topping 1.1 million readers. Our content team scans the marketing universe and connects the dots between all of the marketing disciplines to forecast trends and educate marketers on what’s next and what the implications will be for their careers and their marketing organizations. We are a one-stop “power portal” for marketers that brings together ideas and perspectives from the industry at large. Our audience trusts our editors to curate information for them—so they don’t have to.

Modern Marketers today need to know a lot about a lot of things. From data science and analytics to innovation and creativity to leading teams and driving sales, the marketing discipline has never been more broad, complex or complicated to navigate.

Add to that, today’s marketers are overloaded with too much information—but not the right information. They often spend more time sifting through industry websites and social media feeds than they do actually reading and analyzing the information that can make a difference in their careers.

Chief Marketer breaks down the complexity of the modern marketing landscape and arms our database of more than 180,000 marketers with the tools, insights, data and perspectives they need to master the “next frontier of marketing.” At chiefmarketer.com, marketers advance their marketing IQ, get perspective on the future of marketing from industry luminaries and plot a course for their career—and the c-suite.

We invite you to be a part of the industry’s only global marketing portal designed to prepare modern marketers for the future.


Rates and Packages

We are standing by to help craft an advertising program that will cultivate meaningful connections with the marketing industry’s most ambitious buyers and decision makers. In the meantime, useour quick matchmaking guide below to see how our solutions can align with your goals—and then give us a ring for more details and ideas.

Special Reports

Turnkey Thought Leadership on Industry Trends

Partner with the Chief Marketer editorial team to create cutting-edge content that will engage your audience. Choose from a variety of 2021 Special Report Topics curated by our editors and then feature your company’s sharpest minds in the report. Special Reports are gated and delivered as a downloadable PDF or a digital feature to your desired target audience. The program includes custom data collection.

Price: $10,000

POV Content

Showcase Your Gurus

People might not love to read about products, but they sure love to read about people. Our POV content option offers you a turn-key way to showcase your company’s gurus and luminaries with minimal effort and maximum impact. Our editors work with your team to create a questionnaire that highlights your company’s unique offerings while also mapping to current industry trends. Your executive(s) answers the Q&A, and then the interview is edited and formatted to read like an executive interview or tips article. Your people are your biggest asset—get them the attention they deserve.

Price: $15,000

Custom Reports and Research

Let us work with your team to craft a custom research report or a thought leadership product that shines a spotlight on your team, products and services. Align your company with cutting-edge data that’s never been collected or shared before. Collaborate with our editorial team to curate a white paper or interactive feature that imbeds your company in trending topics that will be shared by the industry. We’re here to bring our audience to you—give us a ring.
Starting at $15K

Virtual Showcase

Your Success Stories + Our Audience = Leads

Everyone in the industry wants to know what’s working. Our virtual showcase givesyou the opportunity to share your best “what’s working” case studies in a virtual event format that’s interactive and engaging for attendees—because “webinars” are so last season. You bring your client for a moderated discussion and walk through a recent program. Our editors help moderate the experience and facilitate Q&A for a truly engaging hour spent online learning about what makes your great—minus the sales pitch. All leads collecting during the free registration process are yours.

Price: $20,000

Virtual Think Tanks

Be the sole sponsor at the virtual “table” in a private, invitation-only discussion with six to eight senior-level executives and buyers. With your company’s input, we design the topic so it’s compelling for our audience while simultaneously showcasing your expertise in a highly-engaging, low stress environment. Our editorial team curates the attendee list and moderates the discussion. You walk away having made meaningful connections—and valuable contacts.

Price: $25,000

Turnkey Custom Research

We’re making it simple to get all the benefits of releasing a must-have industry research report—without lifting a finger. You choose from a variety of trending topics curated by our editors. Our team fields the survey, collects the data and distills the research into a two-page report that is gated and delivered as a downloadable PDF or a digital feature to your desired target audience. The program includes custom data collection.

Price: $15,000

Extend Your Reach with Social Media Add-Ons

Add a Social Media Package to any of our programs this year and boost your reach to 18,000 followers across Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. Options include ads and native posts.

Price: $2,000

You + 200 Prospective Customers: The CM200 Presenting Sponsorship

Interested in getting your company in front of
200 top marketing agencies? Each year the editors of Chief Marketer present the industry’s only comprehensive list of the world’s 200 best brand engagement and activation agencies across 11 categories and specialties serving the U.S. The list attracts more than 15,000 site visitors throughout the year and offers one presenting sponsor the exclusive opportunity to align its brand and offerings with this special feature. Presenting sponsorship includes logo placement online and across social media, one custom email to all CM200 winners and inclusion in the CM200 press release and PDF list.

Contact us for pricing and more details.

• Yearly visitors: 12,847 unique page views • Monthly visitors: 1,071

Exclusive Sponsorship in 'CM Weekly' Newsletter

Be the exclusive advertiser in our weekly newsletter and get three chances to engage: above-the-fold logo placement, a native “article” and a banner ad. Chief Marketer Weekly distills the week’s freshest trends, breaking campaigns and industry news into a quick read at a time when readers have time to read it—the weekend. With a colorful intro by our editors and a selection of hand- picked stories, CM Weekly helps marketers weed through the information overload and focus on what they need to know to do their jobs better. Price includes editorial consultation on a sponsored story headline and copy to boost performance.

Price: $4,000 for four weeks

Native Content on ChiefMarketer.com

Imbed your advertorial content in targeted locations on chiefmarketer.com. Your content will appear on the homepage ”above the fold” for two-weeks and then will live on for one year in our Partner Content channel.

Price: $2,000

Featured Partner Content Newsletter

Give your white papers, webinars, research, podcasts and more an extra boost in eyeballs in our weekly email promotion to our full subscriber base of marketers whore are armed with the power to buy and actively seeking your solutions. There are only four spots and it only mails twice a month.


4x: $1,700

8x: $1,500

12x: $1,300

Get Face-Time with a Video Spotlight

You have outstanding senior-level talent. We have seasoned editors with excellent interviewing skills. Let us bring the two together in an “on-air” guru interview that showcases some of the sharpest people in your company—all in the context of an editorial “interview.” Our editors work with your team on the topic and questions, we bring the professional film crew, and the final video gets promoted across the Chief Marketer Network, including the website, social media and the weekly newsletter.

Price: $30,000

Our Inbox Friendly, Limited-Edition Email Campaigns

We love and respect our readers, so we are limiting the number of email campaigns to just one per week, and requiring that advertisers consult with our editorial team to make sure their subject lines and email offers resonates with our audience. The result? A quick and efficient media buy that won’t get lost in the shuffle and will grab the attention of readers. Includes hyperlink tracking, and delivery and open rate reports. Book now before the schedule fills up!

Price: $4,500 for up to 15,000 names (custom filters available—contact us)

ROS and Targeted Banner Ads

The ultimate call to action vehicle that runs 24/7/365. Drive traffic to your website. Get eyeballs on your brand.

  • Ensure your brand is top of mind among senior marketing executives when they are making buying decisions.
  • Three desktop and two mobile positions available. Reserve all five to achieve maximum share of voice for your target regions for one month. Buy early for maximum inventory availability.
  • “Sticky Leaderboard” is fixed at bottom of site and follows reader as they scroll.

728×90 Leaderboard: $75 CPM
300×250 Medium Rectangle: $75 CPM
970×90 “Sticky Leaderboard”: $125 CPM

300×50 Mobile Leaderboard: $75 CPM
300×50 Mobile Sticky Leaderboard: $125 CPM

Year-Round Visibility: The Marketing Resource Directory

More than 140,000 marketers with $25 million in buying power visit the Marketing Resource Directory in print and online every year to find just the best partners, venues, suppliers and technologies for their marketing and activation programs. It’s the largest directory of marketing partners in the world spanning 60 categories and offering participating advertisers year-round opportunities to get in front of Fortune

500 brands and buyers. Ask us for more details!

• Yearly visitors: 17,346 • Monthly visitors: 1,446

Listing Options:



*Display ads also available


Snatch up your exclusive opportunity to align your brand with the world’s leading brands and marketers

Chief Marketer’s monthly ‘Brands on Fire’ and ‘Marketers on Fire’ series profiles the brands and the people that are shaping, pushing and disrupting the industry. From innovative campaigns to unconventional thinking, each profile will showcase the strategies, analyze the impact and profile the marketers and the companies that are making the marketing industry a more effective, interesting and vibrant place to be.

Readers will want to steal and share these profiles. Sponsors will want to be a part of the conversation.

Your exclusive sponsorship includes:

  • Sponsor logo in the article and throughout all digital promotions
  • 50-word text recognition at the end of the article
  • A link or native ad midway through the article directing to your website or content page
  • Exclusive 100% share of voice banners in the article
  • Promotion as the principal monthly editorial feature through Chief Marketer’s digital channels, with sponsor branding, including:
    ◆ Email to the Chief Marketer audience
    ◆ Exclusive sponsorship of the bi-monthly CM Weekly eNewsletters (includes logo and text or banner,
    and one mention in the “Read More” section)
    ◆ Promotion 2X on CM social media channels
    ◆ Promotion via banners on CM site

Cost: $10K per month

Contact for more details:
Dara Brooks
[email protected]

Marketing Resource Directory



140,000 Unique Visitors
INTERACTIVE. Sculpt your Marketing Resource Directory microsite into the perfect selling solution and update it all year long.
REALTIME. Live tickers show your Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn activity.
LEADS. Users can request more information instantly with a single click.
CONTENT. Your microsite’s content is featured on our brand websites.
CASE STUDIES AND DOWNLOADS. Show off your videos and photos; post your decks and corporate PDFs for download; upload content.
INSTANT ROI. Check your microsite’s traffic, downloads, lead requests and activity at anytime, all year long.

Welcome to the world’s largest searchable directory of marketing partners, viewed each year by more than 140,000 marketers representing an aggregate marketing spend of $25 billion.

With dedicated directory categories such as Agencies, Marketing Services, Marketing Technology and Marketing Products, no other online marketplace and directory provides the reach, the targetability and the measured return that the Marketing Resource Directory does.

Reach the biggest brands and companies across the Fortune 500. Show off your company, your products and your services. And generate tangible leads. Check out the infographic that says it all. Click here to view our online Marketing Resource Directory.

The Marketing Resource Directory provides a 12-month activation:

ONLINE. Your directory listing comes to life online with a multimedia microsite featuring an overview of your company, contact information, instant lead generation tied to your head of sales and real-time feeds from your social media channels. PLUS: Upload your sell sheets brochures, case studies, videos and more as downloadable assets that viewers can click to view. We’ll get you more traffic to your Marketing Resource Directory listing than you get on your web site!

Click here to view our overview. Click here to join the Marketing Resource Directory.

For more information contact:

Dara Brooks
Sr. Client Solutions Executive
[email protected]

Contact us

Advertising Inquiries:

Dara Brooks
Senior Client Solutions Executive
[email protected]

Editorial Questions or Suggestions, contact:

Jessica Heasley
Group Editor & Publisher
[email protected]

Kaylee Hultgren
Group Content Manager, Brand Activation Group
[email protected]